Role of Thirroul Public School Parents and Citizen Association
Thirroul Public School’s (TPS) Parents and Citizen’s Association (P&C) is a not-for-profit organisation open to all parents, carers, teacher and broader community. Our P&C provides a forum to come together to determine the needs and aspirations of the school community and help to shape and develop the school environment.
P&C Meeting
To stay informed about what is happening at the school, we invite everyone to attend TPS’s P&C monthly meeting. Held on the last Wednesday of each month during the school term, at 6:30p.m. (until approximately 8p.m.), these meetings are hybrid, providing a face to face and online option.
These meetings are a great opportunity for the school’s parents and citizens to hear of activities in and around the school from the Principal, P&C President, and the various P&C committee groups.
One of the key outputs of the P&C is fundraising events, like school BBQs, Christmas markets, colour fun run etc. These events help create a community environment and raise funds that provide extra resources for the students, such as laptops, or shade areas.
Funds raised through P&C fundraising activities are allocated by the P&C to meet various school needs, in consultation with the Principal and teachers.
Get involved – P&C volunteers
The P&C is solely run by volunteers who donate their time and expertise. There are many ways parents and carers can contribute either by volunteering on a committee or helping out when volunteers are needed, such as for the Mother’s Day stall. Sometimes an hour is all that is needed to make a truly valuable contribution.
The P&C operates the Canteen and Uniform shop and has a range of committees co-ordinating fundraising and working bees. Volunteers are always welcome.
Register your interest at tinyurl.com/TPSvol. We'll be in touch when relevant volunteer opportunities arise. Questions or feedback? Contact the P&C Secretary on thirroulpandcsecretary@gmail.com
P&C Membership
Any interested parents and community members can become a member of the P&C by coming to our meetings and paying a $1 annual membership fee.
An executive committee is elected at the AGM in each year which consists of a President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary.
TPS P&C Constitution
Please find our current Constitution here.